
a joyful active life


a joyful active life


a joyful active life

Superior training,

expertise and technology

Superior training,

expertise and technology

Superior training,

expertise and technology


treatment, empathy and compassion


treatment, empathy
and compassion


treatment, empathy
and compassion

Thank you for visiting my website. My goal is to help you understand and determine the best treatment option for your orthopedic problems.

I will assess your unique goals, challenges and beliefs and will respectfully work with you every step of the process in order to help you improve your bone/joint health and restore function for a healthier and happier life.


With over 15 years of experience performing successful surgeries, Dr. Agudelo will help you decide for a treatment based on the best available evidence and keeping up with current medical guidelines and technology.


Reflected by his training and education,
Dr. Agudelo provides his patients and companions, respectful treatment and professional attitude.


Dr. Agudelo understands the importance of listening to your concerns and creating a trusting relationship, a connection that allows him to guide you through all the different options in order to decide the best  solution to your health needs.


The passion that Dr. Agudelo has about his job is reflected in his commitment to provide the most professional service with compassion and kindness.

Dr. Juan Agudelo

Hip and Knee Orthopedic Surgeon

I’m a medical specialist with over 24 years of experience in Orthopedic Surgery and trained in adult reconstruction and joint replacement. I use a combination of the most advanced surgical techniques and minimally invasive procedures to restore hip and knee function.